sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012


¿Por qué la palabra "rendirse" NO está en mi vocabulario?

A veces, me dan demasiadas ganas de usarla pero simplemente no puedo.

A veces se me olvida...

Que no todos son, trabajan, reaccionan o piensan como yo.

Y eso, es un problema.

Nunca es tarde para cambiar de opinión...


When you’ve failed, you have two options:

1.- Give up, surrender and look for another thing to do that doesn't have to deal with the last one because you think you can't handle it anymore.

2.- Stand up! Keep fighting! You can take one more chance, right? Then prove it to you and to the world! Believe in yourself! Trust your competences! Cry if you have to, shout if you have to, but let go the pain and TRY AGAIN.

If you fail again…you have the same choices again.

Remember: It's all up to you.